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Websites Cookies and privacy, and the perspectives of some Middle Eastern Companies

Abstract of the Student #Thesis: Nima Mohamed Ibrahim

A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto a device (such as a computer or smartphone) when a user accesses a website. This file allows the website to recognize the user’s device and store information about the user’s preferences or past actions.

Many studies have focused on protecting consumer privacy in electronic communications but have often overlooked the advantages of cookies for firms that provide products or services. There are numerous rules and Privacy Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) in place to control the use of cookies, alongside the Data Protection Act, which grants consumers specific privacy rights. These regulations cover areas such as:

  • Marketing calls, emails, texts, and faxes;

  • Cookies (and similar technologies);

  • Keeping communication services secure.

A prime example of privacy and data protection regulations can be seen in the frameworks adopted by Europe and the UK, which have implemented changes into their own laws. This research aims to explain the importance of cookies for firms—particularly those providing products or services—and consumers alike. By highlighting these benefits, the study hopes to encourage companies to use cookies or similar technologies legitimately, in compliance with privacy policy rules. This is the focal point of the paper, with further details provided to support these ideas.

The researcher employed a descriptive analytical approach for this study, classifying it as applied research. Data was collected from primary sources through a specially designed questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS application. Additionally, interviews and the Nvivo application were used to analyze collected data. The target population included firm owners who use cookies and customers. Secondary sources such as books, business journals, previous research papers, and business letters related to the research topic were also utilized.

The research concluded that cookies offer several advantages, including enabling web developers to create better web applications and services, and enhancing marketing plans. Cookies are one of many tools that developers use to improve the visitor experience on the web.

Most firms in the Middle East support the implementation of cookie laws and privacy legislation, though they have yet to apply such laws. However, many firms are willing to adopt these laws in the future. Currently, most firms have their own corporate rules to respect customer privacy and secure their information, which suggests that implementing European and UK cookie and privacy rules in the Middle East could be straightforward.

This presents a good opportunity to use cookies for wide statistical analysis for marketing purposes and exploring social trends, benefiting companies, countries, and visitors from various perspectives. The effective use of cookies depends heavily on existing rules, regulations, and laws, as well as education and awareness programs about legitimate cookie use.

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